Ukrainian inclusion, interference, pragmatic function, Russian language, structure, illocutive, perlocutionAbstract
Abstract. The purpose of the research. The problem of language interaction is one of the central in the system of linguistic disciplines. Interlanguage interference is the subject of research in translation studies, sociolinguistics, methods of teaching foreign languages, linguacultural studies, etc. The aim of the study is to comprehensively analyze the use of Ukrainian inclusions in the texts of Russian-language blogs. The analysis of the structure of these units is made from the graphic level to the syntax and shows the compositional variety of inclusions. The research methodology includes methods of lexico-semantic, component, pragmalinguistic and contextual analysis. The scientific novelty reveals the phenomenon of interference of related languages (Russian and Ukrainian) on the example of written speech of adult bilinguals, recorded on the social network Facebook. The identified pragmatic characteristics of inclusions can be divided into four types: as a stylistic means, a way of displaying linguistic erudition, a way of declaring one's civil position, and means of expressing negative emotional assessment. The semantic types of proposed units, among which the most numerical group is a group of abstract concepts, were also analyzed. The Conclusions. The use of Ukrainian inclusions is one of the active and living processes of the development of the Russian Internet language. The main reasons for this phenomenon are the desire to express one's belonging to the Ukrainian community and language, as well as to show an active civic position towards social transformations in one's country.
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