innovation development, ecosystem, risk management, digital transformation, strategic management, adaptation, market activityAbstract
The Purpose of the Study to elaborate the content of the research categories in the field of innovation ecosystem development, to identify the features of creating network ecosystems according to various possible classification criteria, to form directions and models of risk-oriented management and digital adaptation for innovative ecosystems. The Research Methodology.is based on the existing theoretical results in the field of innovation management, risk management, and areas of digital transformation of ecosystems. The study uses a dialectical approach, system analysis, methods of strategic management, and modeling. The scientific Novelty lies in the formation of a model of risk management in the innovation ecosystem, which includes procedures for strategic analysis and strategic management, is the basis for the innovative development of the organization and is aimed at preventing risks and minimizing losses associated with the use of innovations. The Conclusions. Innovation ecosystems are self-organized structures that have stable relationships between individual participants, aimed at forming a flexible, adaptive environment. The innovative development of ecosystems facilitates the process from the birth of an idea to the development, commercialization, implementation, and support of various types of innovations. The study of the architecture of innovation ecosystems and key participants in different network systems confirms species diversity, differences in coverage, and interaction models. Identification of innovation ecosystems using a risk-based approach ensures the continuity of the processes of identifying existing risks, and their mitigation through the involvement of strategic management, and the use of monitoring tools, allowing updating the ecosystem architecture, identifying weaknesses, and implementing updated and improved models.
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