happiness, well-being, psychological education, personality, model of happinessAbstract
Abstract. The purpose of the study is the theoretical substantiation of the psychological phenomenon of happiness as a psychological formation (clarification of the essence, characteristics, content of interpretations and determinants of development) in view of the unique relevance of the problem and its interdisciplinary research. The research methodology. Complementary methods were used in the research: deductive and inductive, analysis and synthesis of sources of scientific literature devoted to the phenomenon of happiness, generalization of scientific research, systematization, interpretation, identification of basic directions, method of observation and introspection, survey, conversation, testing. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of happiness as a psychological phenomenon and the construction of a component model. The Conclusions. The authors defined the positions of understanding happiness: as a motive and life goal and as a result of human activity. It was determined that a person's desire for happiness is correlated with the idea of his self-sufficiency, realization and creativity. Determinants, a wide range of factors of happiness, which are conditioned by both the objective circumstances of a person's life and the uniqueness of the individual, have been clarified. A component model of happiness-well-being is constructed, which is determined by the variables of the physiological, cognitive, affective (emotional), social and personal levels of the individual. The analysis of the psychological phenomenon of happiness creates the prerequisites for the prospective study of effective methods of happiness research, its dynamics and development strategies.
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